
  • Agriculture:对农业及其相关领域的全面认识. The database provides access to current and authoritative content that spans the industry – from practical aspects of farming to cutting edge scientific research in horticulture.
  • Environmental Studies: 《体育博彩》, Energy, 和自然资源侧重于物理, social, 以及环境问题的经济方面. Topic, organization, 国家门户网站围绕能源系统问题成立了研究中心, health care, agriculture, climate change, 人口与经济发展.
  • 园艺及园艺: Academic journals and magazines focused on both the practical aspects as well as the scientific theory of horticulture studies. 关键主题:生物技术专家,农民,爱好者和景观.
  • Health & Medical Collection: 该数据库为用户提供重要的临床、生物医学和健康期刊. 临床研究人员可以访问高影响力的标题,包括 Lancet新英格兰医学杂志 and more.
  • Health and Medicine: Includes periodicals and reference book content designed for both nursing and allied health students as well as consumer health researchers.
  • Human Anatomy: Human Anatomy, an innovative learning aid that allows students to examine virtual 3D dissections and immerse themselves in interactive research.
  • Open Science Directory: 超过13,000种开放存取期刊的目录.
  • PsycARTICLES: 美国心理学会(APA)提供的资料, PsychArticles是全文的来源, 经同行评审的心理学学术和科学文章.

  • Pub Med Index: Medline的生物医学文献索引,包含有限的全文
  • Science: 包括粒子物理学的最新科学发展, advanced mathematics, nanotechnology, geology, 以及其他数百个领域. More than 350 full-text, non-embargoed journals are covered; updated daily, 此集合包含超过1个.600万篇文章来满足几乎所有的科学探究. 重点学科:生物科学、计算机、工程与技术.


  • ABI/Inform: 2700种学术商业期刊和数千种全球商业期刊. Includes the Wall Street Journal (Eastern edition), Financial Times and The Economist.
  • Business: 全文覆盖的业务学科,包括会计, economics, finance, marketing, 管理与战略通过近4,领先的商业和贸易出版物, updated daily.
  • 商业洞察:全球: 提供数千家全球公司的公司和行业情报. 它包括期刊文章, news articles, and press releases; investment reports; corporate chronologies and company histories; brands and product information; industry and company rankings; financial overviews; industry overviews and HR law case digests. 搜索可以在公司名称或股票代码上完成, 行业代码/描述(SIC或NAICS), subjects in article, 地理搜索或个人姓名.
  • 商务源终极: 学术商业数据库索引超过1300种期刊.
  • Economics and Theory: 以经济学及相关领域为主题的学术期刊和杂志. The database has an emphasis on titles indexed in the American Economic Association's EconLit bibliography.
  • 创业研究来源:此资源是供商科学生和研究人员使用的全文数据库. 它提供数百种全文杂志, journals and books, 加上数以千计的体育博彩和数百个视频.
  • 环境研究及政策: Scholarly journals, magazines, 以及其他有关环境问题和政策的参考资料. 它包括来自科学界的不同观点, 政府决策者和企业利益.
  • Hospitality and TourismScholarly journals, magazines and trade publications that cover topics including the cultural and economic aspects of travel and tourism. It offers current and relevant content of both the historical and current state of affairs in the hospitality and tourism industries.
  • IBISWorld: Contains U.S. 行业市场研究 and 新兴行业报告, along with a 营商环境资料库 and 全球行业报告.
  • Insurance and Liability: Connects researchers to hundreds of thousands of updated articles from leading journals, including: 商业保险,理赔,雇员福利体育博彩,国家保险人寿 & Health, Pensions & 投资、风险管理等.
  • Mergent Online: Mergent Online is an internet-based suite of information resources that enables in-depth business and financial research.
  • Regional Business News: 全文覆盖区域商业出版物.


  • 通讯及大众传媒This collection provides access to academic journals and magazines focusing on all aspects of the communications field. 重点科目:广告与公共关系、文学与写作、语言学等.
  • Computer Science包括计算机领域领先的商业和技术出版物, telecommunications, 电子行业涵盖了从硬件到云的所有领域.
  • Fine Arts: 戏剧、音乐、艺术史和电影制作领域的学术期刊和杂志. The database emphasizes full-text content for publications included in the Wilson Art Index and RILM bibliography.
  • Hospitality and TourismScholarly journals, magazines and trade publications that cover topics including the cultural and economic aspects of travel and tourism. It offers current and relevant content of both the historical and current state of affairs in the hospitality and tourism industries.
  • Information Science: Periodical content covering all aspects of managing and maintaining information and technology, including usability, cataloging, circulation, 商业资讯及更多.
  • 领导与管理Provides access to authoritative periodical content covering professional development topics as diverse as 21st century skills, learning disorders, 标准化考试和家庭教育.
  • Political Science: 这个数据库有超过450种主要的政治科学和国际关系期刊. This collection provides the full text of many core titles included in Worldwide Political Science Abstracts.
  • Pop Culture Studies: 对流行文化进行分析和贡献的学术期刊和杂志.
  • PsycARTICLES: 美国心理学会(APA)提供的资料, PsychArticles是全文的来源, 经同行评审的心理学学术和科学文章.
  • Psychology: Academic journals and magazines that cover the study of emotions, personality and the human mind.

Creative Writing

  • 通讯及大众传媒This collection provides access to academic journals and magazines focusing on all aspects of the communications field. 重点科目:广告与公共关系、文学与写作、语言学等.
  • 版权清关中心[Faculty Use] CCC provides information about acceptable academic materials to use in course content, 课程写作和课程储备.
  • Fine Arts: 戏剧、音乐、艺术史和电影制作领域的学术期刊和杂志. The database emphasizes full-text content for publications included in the Wilson Art Index and RILM bibliography.
  • JSTOR: 艺术核心期刊合集, sciences, and the humanities, 包含15个学科的100多个标题.
  • 文献资源中心: Offers a broad range of authors and their works including a deep collection of full-text critical and literary analysis.
  • LitFinder: 包括世界文学和历史上的作家, 并包含文学作品和二手资料, including over 150,全文诗歌800多首,000 poetry citations, 还有短篇小说, speeches and plays.
  • Pop Culture Studies: 对流行文化进行分析和贡献的学术期刊和杂志.
  • Religion and Philosophy: Scholarly journals and magazines that covers topics across a wide range of philosophies and religions.


  • Business Continuity & 灾难恢复参考中心: This comprehensive full-text database covers all aspects of business continuity and disaster recovery.
  • Criminal Justice (Gale): 刑事司法及相关领域的学术期刊和杂志. 重点学科:法律、执法、安全和恐怖主义.
  • 刑事司法(ProQuest)支持犯罪研究的综合数据库, its causes and impacts, 以及法律和社会影响.
  • International Security & 反恐参考中心: International Security & 反恐参考中心全文期刊文章, government materials, information summaries, country reports, 以及研究地区冲突的额外学术内容, terrorism, 国内安全和威胁分析.
  • LegalTrac: 提供超过1的索引,200 major law reviews, legal newspapers, specialty publications, 律师协会期刊和国际法律期刊, 包括200多个标题全文.
  • 军事和情报: Scholarly journals, magazines, 报告涵盖了过去和当前军事事务的各个方面. 主要主题领域包括:政府政策, 战争对社会经济的影响, 武装部队的结构等等.
  • 军队和政府藏品: This database is of full-text journals and periodicals pertaining to all branches of the military and government. 它旨在向军人提供最新消息, analysts, policy makers, 学生和研究人员.
  • PsycARTICLES: 美国心理学会(APA)提供的资料, PsychArticles是全文的来源, 经同行评审的心理学学术和科学文章.
  • Psychology: Academic journals and magazines that cover the study of emotions, personality and the human mind.
  • Security Issues Online:安全问题在线深入研究冲突, policies, 以及在整个现代历史中影响全球舞台的关系. At completion, 这个集合将包括在完成175小时的视频和100,000页印刷材料(个人文件), organizations, government documents, journals, reports, monographs, and speeches). It is organized around more than forty events and areas and includes a wide array of themes such as terrorism and counterterrorism, 叛乱与反叛乱, cybersecurity, 种族冲突及其解决办法, and nuclear threats.
  • War and Terrorism: 分析师感兴趣的学术期刊和杂志, 风险管理专业人员, 还有军事科学专业的学生, 历史与社会科学.


  • Computer Science包括计算机领域领先的商业和技术出版物, telecommunications, 电子行业涵盖了从硬件到云的所有领域.
  • Criminal Justice (Gale): 刑事司法及相关领域的学术期刊和杂志. 重点学科:法律、执法、安全和恐怖主义.
  • Computer Science包括计算机领域领先的商业和技术出版物, telecommunications, 电子行业涵盖了从硬件到云的所有领域.
  • 刑事司法(ProQuest)支持犯罪研究的综合数据库, its causes and impacts, 以及法律和社会影响.
  • Information Science: Periodical content covering all aspects of managing and maintaining information and technology, including usability, cataloging, circulation, 商业资讯及更多.
  • International Security & 反恐参考中心: International Security & 反恐参考中心全文期刊文章, government materials, information summaries, country reports, 以及研究地区冲突的额外学术内容, terrorism, 国内安全和威胁分析.
  • LegalTrac: 提供超过1的索引,200 major law reviews, legal newspapers, specialty publications, 律师协会期刊和国际法律期刊, 包括200多个标题全文.
  • 军事和情报: Scholarly journals, magazines, 报告涵盖了过去和当前军事事务的各个方面. 主要主题领域包括:政府政策, 战争对社会经济的影响, 武装部队的结构等等.
  • 军队和政府藏品: This database is of full-text journals and periodicals pertaining to all branches of the military and government. 它旨在向军人提供最新消息, analysts, policy makers, 学生和研究人员.
  • Security Issues Online:安全问题在线深入研究冲突, policies, 以及在整个现代历史中影响全球舞台的关系. At completion, 这个集合将包括在完成175小时的视频和100,000页印刷材料(个人文件), organizations, government documents, journals, reports, monographs, and speeches). It is organized around more than forty events and areas and includes a wide array of themes such as terrorism and counterterrorism, 叛乱与反叛乱, cybersecurity, 种族冲突及其解决办法, and nuclear threats.
  • War and Terrorism: 分析师感兴趣的学术期刊和杂志, 风险管理专业人员, 还有军事科学专业的学生, 历史与社会科学.


  • 版权清关中心[Faculty Use] CCC provides information about acceptable academic materials to use in course content, 课程写作和课程储备.
  • 教育工作者参考资料: 教育领域的学术期刊、报告和参考资料. 主要学科领域包括:行政管理, bilingual education, 儿童发展与心理学, funding, health education, technology and testing.
  • ERIC: 世界上最大的教育数据库, ERIC包括期刊文章的引用, books, research papers, conference papers, technical reports, policy papers, dissertations, 这些和其他教育领域的材料. 大多数期刊都是同行评议的.
  • Information Science: Periodical content covering all aspects of managing and maintaining information and technology, including usability, cataloging, circulation, 商业资讯及更多.
  • JSTOR: 艺术核心期刊合集, sciences, and the humanities, 包含15个学科的100多个标题
  • Pop Culture Studies: 对流行文化进行分析和贡献的学术期刊和杂志.
  • 全文体育讨论: This comprehensive bibliographic database covers key areas of sports medicine and related fields. Content areas range from sports physiology and sports psychology to physical education and recreation. 它是研究健身、健康和运动研究的不同方面的研究人员的理想选择.

Emergency Management

  • Business Continuity & 灾难恢复参考中心: This comprehensive full-text database covers all aspects of business continuity and disaster recovery.
  • 通讯及大众传媒This collection provides access to academic journals and magazines focusing on all aspects of the communications field. 重点科目:广告与公共关系、文学与写作、语言学等.
  • Criminal Justice (Gale): 刑事司法及相关领域的学术期刊和杂志. 重点学科:法律、执法、安全和恐怖主义.
  • 刑事司法(ProQuest)支持犯罪研究的综合数据库, its causes and impacts, 以及法律和社会影响.
  • Home ImprovementMore than 4.来自200多个家居装饰主题的500万篇文章, 涵盖的主题包括架构技术, 工具和材料的选择, 分区规定及其他.
  • Insurance and Liability: Connects researchers to hundreds of thousands of updated articles from leading journals, including: 商业保险,理赔,雇员福利体育博彩,国家保险人寿 & Health, Pensions & 投资、风险管理等.
  • International Security & 反恐参考中心: International Security & 反恐参考中心全文期刊文章, government materials, information summaries, country reports, 以及研究地区冲突的额外学术内容, terrorism, 国内安全和威胁分析.
  • LegalTrac: 提供超过1的索引,200 major law reviews, legal newspapers, specialty publications, 律师协会期刊和国际法律期刊, 包括200多个标题全文.
  • Security Issues Online:安全问题在线深入研究冲突, policies, 以及在整个现代历史中影响全球舞台的关系. At completion, 这个集合将包括在完成175小时的视频和100,000页印刷材料(个人文件), organizations, government documents, journals, reports, monographs, and speeches). It is organized around more than forty events and areas and includes a wide array of themes such as terrorism and counterterrorism, 叛乱与反叛乱, cybersecurity, 种族冲突及其解决办法, and nuclear threats.
  • War and Terrorism: 分析师感兴趣的学术期刊和杂志, 风险管理专业人员, 还有军事科学专业的学生, 历史与社会科学.


  • 美国:历史与生活全文 This bibliographic resource provides a robust source of information focusing on the history and life of the United States and Canada.
  • JSTOR: 艺术核心期刊合集, sciences, and the humanities, 包含15个学科的100多个标题.
  • 文献资源中心: Offers a broad range of authors and their works including a deep collection of full-text critical and literary analysis.
  • LitFinder: 包括世界文学和历史上的作家, 并包含文学作品和二手资料, including over 150,全文诗歌800多首,000 poetry citations, 还有短篇小说, speeches and plays.
  • Pop Culture Studies: 对流行文化进行分析和贡献的学术期刊和杂志.
  • Religion and Philosophy: Scholarly journals and magazines that covers topics across a wide range of philosophies and religions.
  • U.S. 历史(语境中的大风): 有关美国数百个最重要的人物、事件和话题的上下文信息.S. History. 包括全文杂志, academic journals, news articles, 主要来源文件, images, videos, 音频文件和经过审查的网站链接组织成用户友好的门户体验.
  • U.S. History (Gale OneFile): 有关美国数百个最重要的人物、事件和话题的上下文信息.S. History. 包括全文杂志, academic journals, news articles, 主要来源文件, images, videos, 音频文件和经过审查的网站链接组织成用户友好的门户体验.
  • 世界历史(Gale OneFile): Scholarly journals and magazines useful to both novice historians as well as advanced academic researchers.
  • 世界历史(盖尔语境): 提供世界历史概览,涵盖超过5,从古代到现在,在地理上分布在全球各地. 它结合了Primary Source文档, reference articles, 以及其他内容,如国家和时代概述信息, 全文期刊和期刊.

Fire Science

  • Business Continuity & 灾难恢复参考中心: This comprehensive full-text database covers all aspects of business continuity and disaster recovery.
  • Criminal Justice (Gale): 刑事司法及相关领域的学术期刊和杂志. 重点学科:法律、执法、安全和恐怖主义.
  • 刑事司法(ProQuest)支持犯罪研究的综合数据库, its causes and impacts, 以及法律和社会影响.
  • Home ImprovementMore than 4.来自200多个家居装饰主题的500万篇文章, 涵盖的主题包括架构技术, 工具和材料的选择, 分区规定及其他.
  • Insurance and Liability: Connects researchers to hundreds of thousands of updated articles from leading journals, including: 商业保险,理赔,雇员福利体育博彩,国家保险人寿 & Health, Pensions & 投资、风险管理等.
  • International Security & 反恐参考中心: International Security & 反恐参考中心全文期刊文章, government materials, information summaries, country reports, 以及研究地区冲突的额外学术内容, terrorism, 国内安全和威胁分析.
  • Open Science Directory: 超过13,000种开放存取期刊的目录.
  • Science (Gale OneFile): 对问题的丰富分析是社会性的吗, political, military, economic, environmental, science related, health related, 世界热点的文化和头条体育博彩. It provides information seekers with a framework to better understand 21st-century issues and events while highlighting global connections and the interdependence of all nations.
  • Security Issues Online:安全问题在线深入研究冲突, policies, 以及在整个现代历史中影响全球舞台的关系. At completion, 这个集合将包括在完成175小时的视频和100,000页印刷材料(个人文件), organizations, government documents, journals, reports, monographs, and speeches). It is organized around more than forty events and areas and includes a wide array of themes such as terrorism and counterterrorism, 叛乱与反叛乱, cybersecurity, 种族冲突及其解决办法, and nuclear threats.
  • War and Terrorism: 分析师感兴趣的学术期刊和杂志, 风险管理专业人员, 还有军事科学专业的学生, 历史与社会科学.

Health Care Management

  • Health & Medical Collection: 该数据库为用户提供重要的临床、生物医学和健康期刊. 临床研究人员可以访问高影响力的标题,包括 Lancet新英格兰医学杂志 and more.
  • Health and Medicine: Includes periodicals and reference book content designed for both nursing and allied health students as well as consumer health researchers.
  • Health and Wellness: Thousands of full-text medical journals, periodicals, reference works, multimedia and much more. This consumer health resource provides authoritative information on the full range of health-related issues, from current disease and disorder information to in-depth coverage of alternative medical practices.
  • Human Anatomy: Human Anatomy, an innovative learning aid that allows students to examine virtual 3D dissections and immerse themselves in interactive research.
  • 领导与管理Provides access to authoritative periodical content covering professional development topics as diverse as 21st century skills, learning disorders, 标准化考试和家庭教育.
  • 护理及相关健康涵盖护理专业各个方面的学术期刊和其他参考内容, 从直接照顾病人到管理卫生保健.
  • 物理治疗和运动医学包括经过验证的治疗技术, experimental research, and more with access to academic journals and magazines covering the fields of fitness and sports.
  • Pub Med Index: Medline的生物医学文献索引,包含有限的全文
  • Public Health: 该数据库提供来自8000多份出版物的核心公共卫生文献. 与期刊,论文,视频,体育博彩,贸易出版物,报告等.
  • Science: 包括粒子物理学的最新科学发展, advanced mathematics, nanotechnology, geology, 以及其他数百个领域. More than 350 full-text, non-embargoed journals are covered; updated daily, 此集合包含超过1个.600万篇文章来满足几乎所有的科学探究. 重点学科:生物科学、计算机、工程与技术.

Health Promotion

  • Agricola: NAL目录(AGRICOLA)提供农业和营养文献的引文.
  • Culinary Arts: Includes more than five million articles from more than 250 major cooking and nutrition magazines, 以及德尔玛的书籍参考内容,如关于葡萄酒, 餐饮概论, 高级面包和糕点和健康饮食是健康的.
  • Health & Medical Collection: 该数据库为用户提供重要的临床、生物医学和健康期刊. 临床研究人员可以访问高影响力的标题,包括 Lancet新英格兰医学杂志 and more.
  • Health and Medicine: Includes periodicals and reference book content designed for both nursing and allied health students as well as consumer health researchers.
  • Health and Wellness: Thousands of full-text medical journals, periodicals, reference works, multimedia and much more. This consumer health resource provides authoritative information on the full range of health-related issues, from current disease and disorder information to in-depth coverage of alternative medical practices.
  • Human Anatomy: Human Anatomy, an innovative learning aid that allows students to examine virtual 3D dissections and immerse themselves in interactive research.
  • 护理及相关健康涵盖护理专业各个方面的学术期刊和其他参考内容, 从直接照顾病人到管理卫生保健.
  • 物理治疗和运动医学包括经过验证的治疗技术, experimental research, and more with access to academic journals and magazines covering the fields of fitness and sports.
  • Pub Med Index: Medline的生物医学文献索引,包含有限的全文.
  • Public Health: 该数据库提供来自8000多份出版物的核心公共卫生文献. 与期刊,论文,视频,体育博彩,贸易出版物,报告等.
  • 全文体育讨论: This comprehensive bibliographic database covers key areas of sports medicine and related fields. Content areas range from sports physiology and sports psychology to physical education and recreation. 它是研究健身、健康和运动研究的不同方面的研究人员的理想选择.


  • 美国:历史与生活全文 This bibliographic resource provides a robust source of information focusing on the history and life of the United States and Canada.
  • 环境研究及政策: Scholarly journals, magazines, 以及其他有关环境问题和政策的参考资料. 它包括来自科学界的不同观点, 政府决策者和企业利益.
  • 互联网历史资料书项目: A collection of public domain and copy-permitted historical texts presented cleanly (without advertising or excessive layout) for educational use. Primary sources are available here primarily for use in high-school and university/college courses. 
  • JSTOR: 艺术核心期刊合集, sciences, and the humanities, 包含15个学科的100多个标题.
  • LegalTrac: 提供超过1的索引,200 major law reviews, legal newspapers, specialty publications, 律师协会期刊和国际法律期刊, 包括200多个标题全文.
  • Pop Culture Studies: 对流行文化进行分析和贡献的学术期刊和杂志.
  • Religion and Philosophy: Scholarly journals and magazines that covers topics across a wide range of philosophies and religions
  • U.S. 历史(语境中的大风): 有关美国数百个最重要的人物、事件和话题的上下文信息.S. History. 包括全文杂志, academic journals, news articles, 主要来源文件, images, videos, 音频文件和经过审查的网站链接组织成用户友好的门户体验.
  • U.S. History (Gale OneFile): 有关美国数百个最重要的人物、事件和话题的上下文信息.S. History. 包括全文杂志, academic journals, news articles, 主要来源文件, images, videos, 音频文件和经过审查的网站链接组织成用户友好的门户体验.
  • 世界历史(Gale OneFile): Scholarly journals and magazines useful to both novice historians as well as advanced academic researchers.
  • 世界历史(盖尔语境): 提供世界历史概览,涵盖超过5,从古代到现在,在地理上分布在全球各地. 它结合了Primary Source文档, reference articles, 以及其他内容,如国家和时代概述信息, 全文期刊和期刊.
  • 世界体育博彩:拉丁美洲 & the Caribbean: 这一多学科资源为该地区提供了广泛的内容, providing research across the humanities both for current issues and events in Latin America and the Caribbean as well as for historical perspective back to the colonial period.

Homeland Security

  • Business Continuity & 灾难恢复参考中心: This comprehensive full-text database covers all aspects of business continuity and disaster recovery.
  • Criminal Justice (Gale): 刑事司法及相关领域的学术期刊和杂志. 重点学科:法律、执法、安全和恐怖主义.
  • 刑事司法(ProQuest)支持犯罪研究的综合数据库, its causes and impacts, 以及法律和社会影响.
  • International Security & 反恐参考中心: International Security & 反恐参考中心全文期刊文章, government materials, information summaries, country reports, 以及研究地区冲突的额外学术内容, terrorism, 国内安全和威胁分析.
  • LegalTrac: 提供超过1的索引,200 major law reviews, legal newspapers, specialty publications, 律师协会期刊和国际法律期刊, 包括200多个标题全文.
  • 军事和情报: Scholarly journals, magazines, 报告涵盖了过去和当前军事事务的各个方面. 主要主题领域包括:政府政策, 战争对社会经济的影响, 武装部队的结构等等.
  • 军队和政府藏品: This database is of full-text journals and periodicals pertaining to all branches of the military and government. 它旨在向军人提供最新消息, analysts, policy makers, 学生和研究人员.
  • Public Health: 该数据库提供来自8000多份出版物的核心公共卫生文献. 与期刊,论文,视频,体育博彩,贸易出版物,报告等.
  • Security Issues Online:安全问题在线深入研究冲突, policies, 以及在整个现代历史中影响全球舞台的关系. At completion, 这个集合将包括在完成175小时的视频和100,000页印刷材料(个人文件), organizations, government documents, journals, reports, monographs, and speeches). It is organized around more than forty events and areas and includes a wide array of themes such as terrorism and counterterrorism, 叛乱与反叛乱, cybersecurity, 种族冲突及其解决办法, and nuclear threats.
  • War and Terrorism: 分析师感兴趣的学术期刊和杂志, 风险管理专业人员, 还有军事科学专业的学生, 历史与社会科学.

Human Resources

  • ABI/Inform: 2700种学术商业期刊和数千种全球商业期刊. Includes the Wall Street Journal (Eastern edition), Financial Times and The Economist.
  • Business: 全文覆盖的业务学科,包括会计, economics, finance, marketing, 管理与战略通过近4,领先的商业和贸易出版物, updated daily.
  • Business Continuity & 灾难恢复参考中心: This comprehensive full-text database covers all aspects of business continuity and disaster recovery.
  • 商业洞察:全球: 提供数千家全球公司的公司和行业情报. 它包括期刊文章, news articles, and press releases; investment reports; corporate chronologies and company histories; brands and product information; industry and company rankings; financial overviews; industry overviews and HR law case digests. 搜索可以在公司名称或股票代码上完成, 行业代码/描述(SIC或NAICS), subjects in article, 地理搜索或个人姓名.
  • 商务源终极: 学术商业数据库索引超过1300种期刊.
  • Economics and Theory: 以经济学及相关领域为主题的学术期刊和杂志. The database has an emphasis on titles indexed in the American Economic Association's EconLit bibliography.
  • 领导与管理Provides access to authoritative periodical content covering professional development topics as diverse as 21st century skills, learning disorders, 标准化考试和家庭教育.
  • Mergent Online: Mergent Online is an internet-based suite of information resources that enables in-depth business and financial research.
  • PsycARTICLES: 美国心理学会(APA)提供的资料, PsychArticles是全文的来源, 经同行评审的心理学学术和科学文章.
  • Psychology: Academic journals and magazines that cover the study of emotions, personality and the human mind.
  • Regional Business News: 全文覆盖区域商业出版物.


  • ABI/Inform: 2700种学术商业期刊和数千种全球商业期刊. Includes the Wall Street Journal (Eastern edition), Financial Times and The Economist.
  • Business: 全文覆盖的业务学科,包括会计, economics, finance, marketing, 管理与战略通过近4,领先的商业和贸易出版物, updated daily.
  • 商业洞察:全球: 提供数千家全球公司的公司和行业情报. 它包括期刊文章, news articles, and press releases; investment reports; corporate chronologies and company histories; brands and product information; industry and company rankings; financial overviews; industry overviews and HR law case digests. 搜索可以在公司名称或股票代码上完成, 行业代码/描述(SIC或NAICS), subjects in article, 地理搜索或个人姓名.
  • 商务源终极: 学术商业数据库索引超过1300种期刊
  • 创业研究来源:此资源是供商科学生和研究人员使用的全文数据库. 它提供数百种全文杂志, journals and books, 加上数以千计的体育博彩和数百个视频.
  • Entrepeneurship: 支持商学院学生和企业家寻求见解的期刊内容, tips, 策略和成功案例.
  • 领导与管理Provides access to authoritative periodical content covering professional development topics as diverse as 21st century skills, learning disorders, 标准化考试和家庭教育.
  • Mergent Online: Mergent Online is an internet-based suite of information resources that enables in-depth business and financial research.
  • 军队和政府藏品: This database is of full-text journals and periodicals pertaining to all branches of the military and government. 它旨在向军人提供最新消息, analysts, policy makers, 学生和研究人员.
  • 全文体育讨论: This comprehensive bibliographic database covers key areas of sports medicine and related fields. Content areas range from sports physiology and sports psychology to physical education and recreation. 它是研究健身、健康和运动研究的不同方面的研究人员的理想选择.

Liberal Arts

  • 美国:历史与生活全文 This bibliographic resource provides a robust source of information focusing on the history and life of the United States and Canada.
  • Fine Arts: 戏剧、音乐、艺术史和电影制作领域的学术期刊和杂志. The database emphasizes full-text content for publications included in the Wilson Art Index and RILM bibliography.
  • JSTOR: 艺术核心期刊合集, sciences, and the humanities, 包含15个学科的100多个标题
  • Pop Culture Studies: 对流行文化进行分析和贡献的学术期刊和杂志.
  • Religion and Philosophy: Scholarly journals and magazines that covers topics across a wide range of philosophies and religions.
  • U.S. 历史(语境中的大风): 有关美国数百个最重要的人物、事件和话题的上下文信息.S. History. 包括全文杂志, academic journals, news articles, 主要来源文件, images, videos, 音频文件和经过审查的网站链接组织成用户友好的门户体验.
  • U.S. History (Gale OneFile): 有关美国数百个最重要的人物、事件和话题的上下文信息.S. History. 包括全文杂志, academic journals, news articles, 主要来源文件, images, videos, 音频文件和经过审查的网站链接组织成用户友好的门户体验.
  • 世界历史(Gale OneFile): Scholarly journals and magazines useful to both novice historians as well as advanced academic researchers.
  • 世界历史(盖尔语境): 提供世界历史概览,涵盖超过5,从古代到现在,在地理上分布在全球各地. 它结合了Primary Source文档, reference articles, 以及其他内容,如国家和时代概述信息, 全文期刊和期刊.
  • 世界体育博彩:拉丁美洲 & the Caribbean: 这一多学科资源为该地区提供了广泛的内容, providing research across the humanities both for current issues and events in Latin America and the Caribbean as well as for historical perspective back to the colonial period.


  • 通讯及大众传媒This collection provides access to academic journals and magazines focusing on all aspects of the communications field. 重点科目:广告与公共关系、文学与写作、语言学等.
  • Fine Arts: 戏剧、音乐、艺术史和电影制作领域的学术期刊和杂志. The database emphasizes full-text content for publications included in the Wilson Art Index and RILM bibliography.
  • Grove Music Online: 音乐研究的在线资源,包含全文 新格罗夫音乐和音乐家词典,第二版 (2001), 《体育博彩》 (1992), and 新格罗夫爵士词典,第二版 (2002).
  • JSTOR: 艺术核心期刊合集, sciences, and the humanities, 包含15个学科的100多个标题.
  • Naxos Music Library: 流媒体音乐收藏,提供超过一百万首古典曲目, jazz, world music and more.
  • Pop Culture Studies: 对流行文化进行分析和贡献的学术期刊和杂志.
  • Religion and Philosophy: Scholarly journals and magazines that covers topics across a wide range of philosophies and religions.
  • U.S. History (Gale OneFile): 有关美国数百个最重要的人物、事件和话题的上下文信息.S. History. 包括全文杂志, academic journals, news articles, 主要来源文件, images, videos, 音频文件和经过审查的网站链接组织成用户友好的门户体验.
  • 世界历史(盖尔语境): 提供世界历史概览,涵盖超过5,从古代到现在,在地理上分布在全球各地. 它结合了Primary Source文档, reference articles, 以及其他内容,如国家和时代概述信息, 全文期刊和期刊.
  • 世界体育博彩:拉丁美洲 & the Caribbean: 这一多学科资源为该地区提供了广泛的内容, providing research across the humanities both for current issues and events in Latin America and the Caribbean as well as for historical perspective back to the colonial period.


  • CINAHL:  Nurses, 专职医疗人员, researchers, nurse educators and students depend on the CINAHL Database to research their subject areas from this authoritative index of nursing and allied health journals.
  • Health & Medical Collection: 该数据库为用户提供重要的临床、生物医学和健康期刊. 临床研究人员可以访问高影响力的标题,包括 Lancet新英格兰医学杂志 and more.
  • Health and Medicine: Includes periodicals and reference book content designed for both nursing and allied health students as well as consumer health researchers.
  • Health and Wellness: Thousands of full-text medical journals, periodicals, reference works, multimedia and much more. This consumer health resource provides authoritative information on the full range of health-related issues, from current disease and disorder information to in-depth coverage of alternative medical practices.
  • Human Anatomy: Human Anatomy, an innovative learning aid that allows students to examine virtual 3D dissections and immerse themselves in interactive research.
  • 护理及相关健康涵盖护理专业各个方面的学术期刊和其他参考内容, 从直接照顾病人到管理卫生保健.
  • 物理治疗和运动医学包括经过验证的治疗技术, experimental research, and more with access to academic journals and magazines covering the fields of fitness and sports.
  • PsycARTICLES: 美国心理学会(APA)提供的资料, PsychArticles是全文的来源, 经同行评审的心理学学术和科学文章.
  • Psychology: Academic journals and magazines that cover the study of emotions, personality and the human mind.
  • Pub Med Index: Medline的生物医学文献索引,包含有限的全文.
  • Public Health: 该数据库提供来自8000多份出版物的核心公共卫生文献. 与期刊,论文,视频,体育博彩,贸易出版物,报告等.


  • Health & Medical Collection: 该数据库为用户提供重要的临床、生物医学和健康期刊. 临床研究人员可以访问高影响力的标题,包括 Lancet新英格兰医学杂志 and more.
  • Health and Wellness: Thousands of full-text medical journals, periodicals, reference works, multimedia and much more. This consumer health resource provides authoritative information on the full range of health-related issues, from current disease and disorder information to in-depth coverage of alternative medical practices.
  • Human Anatomy: Human Anatomy, an innovative learning aid that allows students to examine virtual 3D dissections and immerse themselves in interactive research.
  • JSTOR: 艺术核心期刊合集, sciences, and the humanities, 包含15个学科的100多个标题.
  • Open Science Directory: 超过13,000种开放存取期刊的目录.
  • PsycARTICLES: 美国心理学会(APA)提供的资料, PsychArticles是全文的来源, 经同行评审的心理学学术和科学文章.
  • Psychology: Academic journals and magazines that cover the study of emotions, personality and the human mind.
  • Public Health: 该数据库提供来自8000多份出版物的核心公共卫生文献. 与期刊,论文,视频,体育博彩,贸易出版物,报告等.
  • Science: 包括粒子物理学的最新科学发展, advanced mathematics, nanotechnology, geology, 以及其他数百个领域. More than 350 full-text, non-embargoed journals are covered; updated daily, 此集合包含超过1个.600万篇文章来满足几乎所有的科学探究. 重点学科:生物科学、计算机、工程与技术.
  • Science (Gale OneFile): 对问题的丰富分析是社会性的吗, political, military, economic, environmental, science related, health related, 世界热点的文化和头条体育博彩. It provides information seekers with a framework to better understand 21st-century issues and events while highlighting global connections and the interdependence of all nations.

Public Relations

  • ABI/Inform: 2700种学术商业期刊和数千种全球商业期刊. Includes the Wall Street Journal (Eastern edition), Financial Times and The Economist.
  • Business: 全文覆盖的业务学科,包括会计, economics, finance, marketing, 管理与战略通过近4,领先的商业和贸易出版物, updated daily.
  • 商业洞察:全球: 提供数千家全球公司的公司和行业情报. 它包括期刊文章, news articles, and press releases; investment reports; corporate chronologies and company histories; brands and product information; industry and company rankings; financial overviews; industry overviews and HR law case digests. 搜索可以在公司名称或股票代码上完成, 行业代码/描述(SIC或NAICS), subjects in article, 地理搜索或个人姓名.
  • 商务源终极: 学术商业数据库索引超过1300种期刊.
  • 通讯及大众传媒This collection provides access to academic journals and magazines focusing on all aspects of the communications field. 重点科目:广告与公共关系、文学与写作、语言学等.
  • IBISWorld: Contains U.S. 行业市场研究 and 新兴行业报告, along with a 营商环境资料库 and 全球行业报告.
  • 领导与管理Provides access to authoritative periodical content covering professional development topics as diverse as 21st century skills, learning disorders, 标准化考试和家庭教育.
  • Mergent Online: Mergent Online is an internet-based suite of information resources that enables in-depth business and financial research.
  • PsycARTICLES: 美国心理学会(APA)提供的资料, PsychArticles是全文的来源, 经同行评审的心理学学术和科学文章.
  • Psychology: Academic journals and magazines that cover the study of emotions, personality and the human mind.


  • Criminal Justice (Gale): 刑事司法及相关领域的学术期刊和杂志. 重点学科:法律、执法、安全和恐怖主义.
  • 刑事司法(ProQuest)支持犯罪研究的综合数据库, its causes and impacts, 以及法律和社会影响
  • Insurance and Liability: Connects researchers to hundreds of thousands of updated articles from leading journals, including: 商业保险,理赔,雇员福利体育博彩,国家保险人寿 & Health, Pensions & 投资、风险管理等.
  • International Security & 反恐参考中心: International Security & 反恐参考中心全文期刊文章, government materials, information summaries, country reports, 以及研究地区冲突的额外学术内容, terrorism, 国内安全和威胁分析.
  • LegalTrac: 提供超过1的索引,200 major law reviews, legal newspapers, specialty publications, 律师协会期刊和国际法律期刊, 包括200多个标题全文.
  • 军事和情报: Scholarly journals, magazines, 报告涵盖了过去和当前军事事务的各个方面. 主要主题领域包括:政府政策, 战争对社会经济的影响, 武装部队的结构等等.
  • 军队和政府藏品: This database is of full-text journals and periodicals pertaining to all branches of the military and government. 它旨在向军人提供最新消息, analysts, policy makers, 学生和研究人员.
  • Public Health: 该数据库提供来自8000多份出版物的核心公共卫生文献. 与期刊,论文,视频,体育博彩,贸易出版物,报告等.
  • Security Issues Online:安全问题在线深入研究冲突, policies, 以及在整个现代历史中影响全球舞台的关系. At completion, 这个集合将包括在完成175小时的视频和100,000页印刷材料(个人文件), organizations, government documents, journals, reports, monographs, and speeches). It is organized around more than forty events and areas and includes a wide array of themes such as terrorism and counterterrorism, 叛乱与反叛乱, cybersecurity, 种族冲突及其解决办法, and nuclear threats.
  • War and Terrorism: 分析师感兴趣的学术期刊和杂志, 风险管理专业人员, 还有军事科学专业的学生, 历史与社会科学.

Sport Management

  • Computer Science包括计算机领域领先的商业和技术出版物, telecommunications, 电子行业涵盖了从硬件到云的所有领域.
  • Health & Medical Collection: 该数据库为用户提供重要的临床、生物医学和健康期刊. 临床研究人员可以访问高影响力的标题,包括 Lancet新英格兰医学杂志 and more.
  • Health and Medicine: Includes periodicals and reference book content designed for both nursing and allied health students as well as consumer health researchers.
  • Health and Wellness: Thousands of full-text medical journals, periodicals, reference works, multimedia and much more. This consumer health resource provides authoritative information on the full range of health-related issues, from current disease and disorder information to in-depth coverage of alternative medical practices.
  • Human Anatomy: Human Anatomy, an innovative learning aid that allows students to examine virtual 3D dissections and immerse themselves in interactive research.
  • 领导与管理Provides access to authoritative periodical content covering professional development topics as diverse as 21st century skills, learning disorders, 标准化考试和家庭教育.
  • 物理治疗和运动医学包括经过验证的治疗技术, experimental research, and more with access to academic journals and magazines covering the fields of fitness and sports.
  • Regional Business News: 全文覆盖区域商业出版物.
  • 全文体育讨论: This comprehensive bibliographic database covers key areas of sports medicine and related fields. Content areas range from sports physiology and sports psychology to physical education and recreation. 它是研究健身、健康和运动研究的不同方面的研究人员的理想选择.

Theatre Arts

  • 美国:历史与生活全文 This bibliographic resource provides a robust source of information focusing on the history and life of the United States and Canada.
  • 通讯及大众传媒This collection provides access to academic journals and magazines focusing on all aspects of the communications field. 重点科目:广告与公共关系、文学与写作、语言学等.
  • Fine Arts: 戏剧、音乐、艺术史和电影制作领域的学术期刊和杂志. The database emphasizes full-text content for publications included in the Wilson Art Index and RILM bibliography.
  • JSTOR: 艺术核心期刊合集, sciences, and the humanities, 包含15个学科的100多个标题.
  • 文献资源中心: Offers a broad range of authors and their works including a deep collection of full-text critical and literary analysis.
  • LitFinder: 包括世界文学和历史上的作家, 并包含文学作品和二手资料, including over 150,全文诗歌800多首,000 poetry citations, 还有短篇小说, speeches and plays.
  • Pop Culture Studies: 对流行文化进行分析和贡献的学术期刊和杂志.
  • Religion and Philosophy: Scholarly journals and magazines that covers topics across a wide range of philosophies and religions.
  • U.S. 历史(语境中的大风): 有关美国数百个最重要的人物、事件和话题的上下文信息.S. History. 包括全文杂志, academic journals, news articles, 主要来源文件, images, videos, 音频文件和经过审查的网站链接组织成用户友好的门户体验.
  • U.S. History (Gale OneFile): 有关美国数百个最重要的人物、事件和话题的上下文信息.S. History. 包括全文杂志, academic journals, news articles, 主要来源文件, images, videos, 音频文件和经过审查的网站链接组织成用户友好的门户体验.
  • 世界历史(Gale OneFile): Scholarly journals and magazines useful to both novice historians as well as advanced academic researchers.
  • 世界体育博彩:拉丁美洲 & the Caribbean: 这一多学科资源为该地区提供了广泛的内容, providing research across the humanities both for current issues and events in Latin America and the Caribbean as well as for historical perspective back to the colonial period.

General Studies

    • BiographyOver 650,000 biographical entries cover a range of historically significant figures and present-day newsmakers.
    • Book Review Index: 数以百万计的书评,允许用户在众多学科中进行研究, including literature, history, education, psychology and more.
      • Credo Reference Library: 这个集合包括超过650个标题,特别强调主题百科全书, dictionaries, atlases, and reference handbooks. 也包括超过1,000个短参考视频, nearly 300,000高分辨率的艺术图像和成千上万的附加图像跨越所有学科领域.